Sunday, March 05, 2006


Snowdrop has had her first breakdown. As I was driving the temperature gauge went into the red and the heaters were blowing cold which meant that I was losing coolant. My fears were confirmed when I saw steam coming out of the engine compartment. One of the heater hoses had split causing coolant to leak. Fortunately I was able to park up somewhere safe and I went to Anita's to get Becky. This is ironic considering that I'd already ordered a compete hose set. I knew that they were overdue to be replaced. Fortunately the split is right next to the clip so I reckon that the hose can be trimmed back, refitted, the radiator refilled it it would be good enough to get back to Anita's until I get the new hoses. Snowdrop is now in Anitia's sister's pub car park and Snowdrop will be safe where she is.

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